Шмуэль Барзилай
Chief Cantor of Vienna’s Jewish Community
Shmuel Barzilai was born in Jerusalem in a family of renowned cantors and is the grandson of Cantor Rabbi Jacob Eisenbach (Pester). He studied at the Israel Yeshivot: Beer Yaakov, K’neset Chizkiyahu and Hevron. He received his basic education from the Viennese Cantor Zalman Polak. Barzilai graduated from the Institute of Music and Cantoral Singing in Tel Aviv and studied with world famous cantors like Moshe Stern, Naftali Herstik, Shmuel Taube, Yizchak Eshel and the conductor Elli Jaffe. He majored in philosophy and Judaic studies at the University of Vienna where he received his Master’s degree.
Музыкальный Кабалат Шаббат
Главный кантор Вены Шмуэль Барзилай и хор Главной хоральной синагоги
16:00 – 17:00 | |
зал Theodor Herzl | |
английский |
Ортодоксальный Кабалат Шаббат
17:20 – 18:20 | |
зал Stefan Zweig | |
английский |