Дженни Симановитц

Jenny Simanowitz is an international Communications Trainer and Coach in German and English who has become well-known in Austria for her seminars, her lectures and her Communications Cabarets.
Jenny was born in South Africa and studied Literature and Drama at the University of Cape Town before moving to London, obtaining a teaching qualification at Trinity College Cambridge and working as a teacher and drama therapist.
In 1983 she moved to Germany and entered the business world, holding seminars and workshops in sales, corporate communication and conflict management.
Since 1996 Jenny Simanowitz has been living and working in Austria, where she has combined her business, dramatic and psychological skills to develop seminars and workshops in communication and presentation. Her emphasis lies in group dynamic processes, how we relate to others on a conscious and unconscious level and the fundamentals of successful relationships.
For many years she has researched into the roles we play in everyday life — following to some extent on Erving Goffman’s “Presentation of Self in Everyday Life” in which she also lectures at Vienna University of Economics. Her work in this field led to the publication of her trainingsmanual „100 Außergewöhnliche Stimmungsmacher„ ( 100 unusual „Energizers“) Ökotopia Verlag, 2008.
and her second book “Performance Coaching” (Beltz Verlag 2016).
From her workshops, in which she uses many theatrical elements, she developed her “communications cabaret” which she now performs in Austria and Germany- in theatres, educational institutes and drama festivals.
Jenny Simanowitz is a founder member of the Positive Psychology Centre, Warwick University, England.


Communication Cabaret “Who’s Afraid of the Jewish Mother?”

Communication Cabaret is a modern, humorous form of knowledge transmission based on communication training.
Its aim is consciousness-raising and knowledge transfer through art and entertainment.

11:30 – 12:30
зал Simon Wiesenthal